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Natasha Perdomo
Miami Underground Series
"...When Christopher Columbus arrived in Cuba, he baptized the island as "Juana", in honor of the daughter of King Fernando II of Aragon and Isabel de Castilla. In Natasha's series "Miami Underground" Juana is represented as the duality of those who still live on the island or the personality that they maintain or adopt in exile. Natasha recreates characters from classic paintings by renowned painters. Mythological, beautiful, pure, immortal beings ... and turns them into mulatto-like Juanas, away from the stylized white women European figures of those original paintings. They are extroverted figures, two-faced rabble, long-suffering souls, inherited kitsch. Figures that camouflage themselves in the habitat in order to survive; adapting to group morals or living off memories, a sublimated past that floats in limbo surreal of these oils, pastels, acrylics and pencil paintings on cardboard or canvas ... "
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